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M2M Workshop Copenhagen 30 September 2015
Presentations from the M2M workshop
M2M-workshop Copenhagen Invitation 01.10.15 Admin v 2.6 703 0 --
M2M-workshop Copenhagen Invitation Invitation with rationale and target groups
M2M-workshop Copenhagen Programme 01.10.15 Admin v 2.6 559 0 --
M2M-workshop Copenhagen Programme Workshop programme - final version
M2M-workshop Copenhagen Speakers 01.10.15 Admin v 2.5 853 0 --
M2M-workshop Copenhagen Speakers Speakers' short biographies
M2M-workshop Copenhagen Abstracts 01.10.15 Admin -- 604 0 --
M2M-workshop Copenhagen Abstracts Short abstracts of the presentations
Building the World's First Open Programmable City 02.10.15 -- 693 0 --
Building the World's First Open Programmable City Session 4: Massively Deployed Smart City Applications - Views from Users
Paul Wilson, Managing Director, Bristol is Open
How smart is it actually to live in a Smart City? – Insightful Perspectives on Data Privacy 02.10.15 -- 987 0 --
How smart is it actually to live in a Smart City? – Insightful Perspectives on Data Privacy Session 4: Massively Deployed Smart City Applications – Views from Users
Mia Nyegaard, Member of CPH Municipal Council
M2M Workshop - Participant List 02.10.15 -- 604 0 --
M2M Workshop - Participant List List of speakers and participants in the M2M workshop in Copenhagen, 30 September 2015
Download Stats Downloads: 56
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Most Downloaded: Towards a Federation of Smart City Services [ 3354 ]
Most Recent: Newsletter #7 September 2016 [ 694 ]

The ALMANAC project is co-funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 609081, objective ICT-2013.1.4 'A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities'. Duration: 1st September 2013 to 31st August 2016.

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