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Download title Date Author Version Downloads Comments Rating
Schaltzentrale für Smart Cities 15.12.15 -- 651 0 --
Schaltzentrale für Smart Cities Article on ALMANAC in Fraunhofer Magazine Weiter.vorn 4 2015
Connecting Smart City Objects 15.12.15 -- 646 0 --
Connecting Smart City Objects Article on ALMANAC and access technologies for Smart City energy applications
M2M Workshop Copenhagen 30 September 2015
Introduction to TDC A/S 01.10.15 -- 879 0 --
Introduction to TDC A/S Presentation by Christian Kloch, Technology Manager, TDC
Introduction to the ALMANAC Smart City Project 01.10.15 -- 936 0 --
Introduction to the ALMANAC Smart City Project Presentation by Jesper Thestrup, CEO, In-JeT ApS
Smart and sustainable cities with nature-based solutions 01.10.15 -- 1440 0 --
Smart and sustainable cities with nature-based solutions Key Note presentation by Birgit de Boissezon, Head of Unit
Sustainable Management of Natural Resources.
DG Research and Innovation
IoT Networks in Smart Cities. A guide to the new digital urban warfare 01.10.15 -- 1673 0 --
IoT Networks in Smart Cities. A guide to the new digital urban warfare Key Note presentation by Rick Merritt, Silicon Valley Bureau Chief, EE Times
LP WAN Comparison Table 01.10.15 -- 1916 0 --
LP WAN Comparison Table Comparison table referred to in Rick Merritts Key Note presentation
M2M/IoT standards in ETSI and oneM2M 01.10.15 -- 918 0 --
M2M/IoT standards in ETSI and oneM2M Session 1: Technology Components for IoT Networks
Presentation by Enrico Scarrone, Vice-Chairman SC oneM2M, ETSI
ALMANAC Capillary Network Gateway Technologies 01.10.15 -- 697 0 --
ALMANAC Capillary Network Gateway Technologies Session 1: Technology Components for IoT Networks
Presentation by Roberto Gavazzi, Program Manager, Telecom Italia
Federated and Scalable Data Management in the ALMANAC Clouds 01.10.15 -- 733 0 --
Federated and Scalable Data Management in the ALMANAC Clouds Session 1: Technology Components for IoT Networks
Presentation by Peter Rosengren, CEO, CNet Svenska AB
reTHINK: A new Communication Infrastructure Supporting Smart Cities 01.10.15 -- 2644 0 --
reTHINK: A new Communication Infrastructure Supporting Smart Cities Session 1: Technology Components for IoT Networks
Presentation by Joachim Schonowski, Senior Project Manager T-Labs, Deutsche Telecom AG
IoT – a network or a service? 01.10.15 -- 1067 0 --
IoT – a network or a service? Session 2: Network Topologies and Management Plane Requirements for Smart City Infrastructures
Presentation by Lars Dittmann, Professor PhD, DTU
Mobile access architecture at TDC A/S 01.10.15 -- 961 0 --
Mobile access architecture at TDC A/S Session 2: Network Topologies and Management Plane Requirements for Smart City Infrastructures
Presentation by Christian Kloch, Technology Manager, TDC
M2M spectrum opportunities in the 700 MHz range. The ITU World Radio Conference 2015 sets the stage 01.10.15 -- 1282 0 --
M2M spectrum opportunities in the 700 MHz range. The ITU World Radio Conference 2015 sets the stage Session 2: Network Topologies and Management Plane Requirements for Smart City Infrastructures
Presentation by Steffen Ring, CEO, Ring Advocacy
Business Opportunities in Network Technologies 01.10.15 -- 1561 0 --
Business Opportunities in Network Technologies Session 3: Business Aspects of Smart City Infrastructures
Presentation by Nils-Henrik Faber, Engagement Manager, Ericsson
Building Digital Societies at Vodafone 01.10.15 -- 656 0 --
Building Digital Societies at Vodafone Session 3: Business Aspects of Smart City Infrastructures
Presentation by Adam Armer, Business Development and Innovation Manager, Vodafone M2M Group
From the Modern City to the Smarter City - from Optimization to Innovation and Transformation of Ser 01.10.15 -- 690 0 --
From the Modern City to the Smarter City - from Optimization to Innovation and Transformation of Ser Session 3: Business Aspects of Smart City Infrastructures
Presentation by Peter Lange, Executive IT Architect, IBM
Project deliverables
D2.1 Scenarios for Smart City Applications 21.04.15 -- 808 0 --
D2.1 Scenarios for Smart City Applications This document describes the scenario thinking method used as a basis for defining an initial set of domain specific user generated scenarios with relevant use cases
D3.1.1 System Architecture Analysis and Design Specification 1 21.04.15 -- 857 0 --
D3.1.1 System Architecture Analysis and Design Specification 1 This deliverable describes the initial architecture for the ALMANAC platform and the process used to define it. The document depicts the architecture from a functional view, a deployment view and an information view.
D6.1 A Scalable Data Management Architecture for Smart City Environments 21.04.15 -- 1056 0 --
D6.1  A Scalable Data Management Architecture for Smart City Environments This deliverable provides a view of the current design of the Data Management Framework, contributing to the development of the overall ALMANAC platform architecture.
D7.1 Test and Integration Plan 21.04.15 -- 871 0 --
D7.1 Test and Integration Plan This document describes the test and integration strategy for the ALMANACsoftware components, based on the architecture and the development plan. Testing is done at unit level, integration level and system level, followed by validation by end users where
D8.2 Application Definition - Water Management 21.04.15 -- 811 0 --
D8.2 Application Definition - Water Management This deliverable provides a description and specification of the Water Management Application prototype to be developed in ALMANAC.
D8.4 Application Definition Waste Managemen 21.04.15 -- 764 0 --
D8.4 Application Definition Waste Managemen This deliverable provides a description and specification of the Waste Management Application prototype to be developed in ALMANAC.
D9.1 Project Website 21.04.15 -- 829 0 --
D9.1 Project Website This deliverable describes the content and the technical solution used for ALMANAC’s website.
D2.4.1 Updated Requirements Report 25.04.16 2.8 539 0 --
D2.4.1 Updated Requirements Report The main purpose of this deliverable is to report the current results of the requirements re-engineering work in the three application domains considered by ALMANAC.
D3.1.2 System Architecture Analysis and Design Specification 25.04.16 1.0 750 0 --
D3.1.2 System Architecture Analysis and Design Specification This deliverable describes the ALMANAC Smart City Platform architecture. The document reflects the first revision of the architecture at month 18 (mid-term) of the project.
D7.3.1 Cloud based APIs for Smart City applications - Developers Guide 1 25.04.16 1.0 557 0 --
D7.3.1 Cloud based APIs for Smart City applications - Developers Guide 1 This report describes the subset of ALMANAC platform APIs to be deployed for Cloud access. The Cloud-based APIs are a set of external APIs to be used by Smart City applications and the developers of such applications.
D8.6 Application Definition - Citizen-centric Application 25.04.16 1.0 518 0 --
D8.6 Application Definition - Citizen-centric Application This deliverable provides an informal description and a formal definition of the Citizen-centric Application Domain in ALMANAC.
D5.1.2 Design of the abstraction framework and models 25.04.16 1.0 533 0 --
D5.1.2 Design of the abstraction framework and models Overview of results related to Smart City Resources Abstraction Layer, Virtualization Layer and Ontologies and Semantic Representation
Project information
Project Factsheet 13.09.13 Admin 1.0 1211 0 --
Project Factsheet The official factsheet published by the European Commission
ALMANAC poster 17.12.13 -- 1446 0 --
ALMANAC poster Project poster
Newsletter #1 June 2014 08.06.14 -- 3218 0 --
Newsletter #1 June 2014 The first ALMANAC newsletter. Read about the aims and visions of the ALMANAC project and read about our initial work on scenarios for the Smart City applications: Waste, water and citizen engagement and the ALMANAC architecture.
Newsletter #2 August 2014 02.09.14 -- 1081 0 --
Newsletter #2 August 2014 Read about user perspecitives on waste and water management, collaboration with the SmartSantander project and the first ALMANAC demo at the IoT Week 2014.
Poster ALMANAC platform 10.04.15 -- 2481 0 --
Poster ALMANAC platform The ALMANAC Platform - initial demo with Data Management, Virtualisation and Adaption of Resources
Newsletter #3 May 2015 19.05.15 -- 1045 0 --
Newsletter #3 May 2015 Demo activities, SmartBin and IERC collaboration
Poster 15.06.15 -- 825 0 --
Poster The business aspect of ALMANAC
Flyer 15.06.15 -- 863 0 --
Flyer Presentation of ALMANAC and its application areas
Newsletter #4 September 2015 08.09.15 -- 1337 0 --
Newsletter #4 September 2015 In this issue you can read about and join our M2M workshop on 30th September in Copenhagen; discover how ALMANAC knowledge is used in the deployment of capillary networks in Italy and meet our smart bin Smarty, demonstrating waste management in ALMANAC.
ALMANAC Flyer 2016 26.04.16 -- 646 0 --
ALMANAC Flyer 2016 ALMANAC flyer created for the 2016 SIdO event.
Newsletter #5 April 2016 30.04.16 -- 704 0 --
Newsletter #5 April 2016 The 5th project newsletter. Read about how the project is preparing to exploit its results.
Newsletter #6 August 2016 30.08.16 -- 832 0 --
Newsletter #6 August 2016 Develop IoT applications with the ALMANAC Smart City Enablers
Newsletter #7 September 2016 06.09.16 -- 718 0 --
Newsletter #7 September 2016 Read about the main achievements in ALMANAC including all components available for developing and implementing smart city solutions
Scientific publications
TrustMUSE: A Model-Driven Approach for Trust Management 11.11.14 -- 2213 0 --
TrustMUSE: A Model-Driven Approach for Trust Management Mark Vinkovits, René Reiners, Andreas Zimmermann; accepted for IFIPTM 2014 - 8th International Conference on Trust Management, Singapore, July 2014.
ALMANAC: Internet of Things for Smart Cities 03.09.15 -- 1849 0 --
ALMANAC: Internet of Things for Smart Cities Dario Bonino, Maria Teresa Delgado Alizo, Alexandre Alapetite, Thomas Gilbert, Mathias Axling, Helene Udsen, Jose Angel Carvajal Soto, Maurizio Spirito. Paper presented at the FiCloud 2015
WasteApp: Smarter Waste Recycling for Smart Citizens 30.08.16 -- 789 0 --
WasteApp: Smarter Waste Recycling for Smart Citizens Bonino D., Delgado M.T., Pastrone C., Spirito M., for International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy Science 2016, Splitech, July 12-15, 2016, Split, Croatia.
Block-based Realtime Big-Data Processing for Smart Cities 30.08.16 -- 2426 0 --
Block-based Realtime Big-Data Processing for Smart Cities Bonino D., Rizzo F., Pastrone C., Carvajal Soto J.A., Ahlsen M., Axling M., for IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2, September 12-15, 2016, Trento, TN, Italy
Towards a Federation of Smart City Services 30.08.16 -- 3374 0 --
Towards a Federation of Smart City Services José Angel Carvajal Soto, Otilia Werner-Kytölä, Marco Jahn, Jaroslav Pullmann, Dario Bonino, Claudio Pastrone, Maurizio Spirito
Linked Data Services for Internet of Things 30.08.16 -- 2756 0 --
Linked Data Services for Internet of Things Pullmann, Jaroslav; Mohamad, Yehya
To come: CEML: Mixing and moving complex event processing and machine learning to the edge of the ne 30.08.16 -- 1677 0 --
To come: CEML: Mixing and moving complex event processing and machine learning to the edge of the ne José Ángel Carvajal Soto, Davy Preuveneers, Marc Jentsch and Elisabeth Ilie-Zudor
Download Stats Downloads: 56
Downloaded: 64877
Most Downloaded: Towards a Federation of Smart City Services [ 3374 ]
Most Recent: Newsletter #7 September 2016 [ 718 ]

The ALMANAC project is co-funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 609081, objective ICT-2013.1.4 'A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities'. Duration: 1st September 2013 to 31st August 2016.

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