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Project deliverables
Public deliverables from the project
D2.1 Scenarios for Smart City Applications 21.04.15 -- 787 0 --
D2.1 Scenarios for Smart City Applications This document describes the scenario thinking method used as a basis for defining an initial set of domain specific user generated scenarios with relevant use cases
D3.1.1 System Architecture Analysis and Design Specification 1 21.04.15 -- 837 0 --
D3.1.1 System Architecture Analysis and Design Specification 1 This deliverable describes the initial architecture for the ALMANAC platform and the process used to define it. The document depicts the architecture from a functional view, a deployment view and an information view.
D6.1 A Scalable Data Management Architecture for Smart City Environments 21.04.15 -- 1034 0 --
D6.1  A Scalable Data Management Architecture for Smart City Environments This deliverable provides a view of the current design of the Data Management Framework, contributing to the development of the overall ALMANAC platform architecture.
D7.1 Test and Integration Plan 21.04.15 -- 846 0 --
D7.1 Test and Integration Plan This document describes the test and integration strategy for the ALMANACsoftware components, based on the architecture and the development plan. Testing is done at unit level, integration level and system level, followed by validation by end users where
D8.2 Application Definition - Water Management 21.04.15 -- 787 0 --
D8.2 Application Definition - Water Management This deliverable provides a description and specification of the Water Management Application prototype to be developed in ALMANAC.
D8.4 Application Definition Waste Managemen 21.04.15 -- 743 0 --
D8.4 Application Definition Waste Managemen This deliverable provides a description and specification of the Waste Management Application prototype to be developed in ALMANAC.
D9.1 Project Website 21.04.15 -- 809 0 --
D9.1 Project Website This deliverable describes the content and the technical solution used for ALMANAC’s website.
D2.4.1 Updated Requirements Report 25.04.16 2.8 512 0 --
D2.4.1 Updated Requirements Report The main purpose of this deliverable is to report the current results of the requirements re-engineering work in the three application domains considered by ALMANAC.
D3.1.2 System Architecture Analysis and Design Specification 25.04.16 1.0 727 0 --
D3.1.2 System Architecture Analysis and Design Specification This deliverable describes the ALMANAC Smart City Platform architecture. The document reflects the first revision of the architecture at month 18 (mid-term) of the project.
D7.3.1 Cloud based APIs for Smart City applications - Developers Guide 1 25.04.16 1.0 514 0 --
D7.3.1 Cloud based APIs for Smart City applications - Developers Guide 1 This report describes the subset of ALMANAC platform APIs to be deployed for Cloud access. The Cloud-based APIs are a set of external APIs to be used by Smart City applications and the developers of such applications.
D8.6 Application Definition - Citizen-centric Application 25.04.16 1.0 496 0 --
D8.6 Application Definition - Citizen-centric Application This deliverable provides an informal description and a formal definition of the Citizen-centric Application Domain in ALMANAC.
D5.1.2 Design of the abstraction framework and models 25.04.16 1.0 510 0 --
D5.1.2 Design of the abstraction framework and models Overview of results related to Smart City Resources Abstraction Layer, Virtualization Layer and Ontologies and Semantic Representation
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Downloaded: 62641
Most Downloaded: Towards a Federation of Smart City Services [ 3354 ]
Most Recent: Newsletter #7 September 2016 [ 694 ]

The ALMANAC project is co-funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 609081, objective ICT-2013.1.4 'A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities'. Duration: 1st September 2013 to 31st August 2016.

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